Hello again! I am back but this time with a list instead of a review. I thought that just reviews would get a tiny bit boring from time to time , so I decided to do this! Let's hope this is a good idea. Let's do this!
Book 5 - Percy Jackson Series
I cant really choose just one out of these , so why not do the entire series! If you don't know what this series is about , It's a book about a boy named Percy Jackson and he's the son of a Greek God. He has to go on many quests with his friends and fights monsters and is just reaallllyyy cool. As-well as sad. A few of the books in the series will make you sob.
Book 4 - Rebel Belle
Technically , You should've guessed this , considering my review and all. I don't really think I need to talk about this but I shall link the review here!
Book 3 - Slave Girl
Slave Girl is a book in the My Story series. This book made me cry when I first read it , and every time after that I always caught myself trying not to cry. Slave Girl is about a African-American girl's life as a slave in 1959. I'm pretty sure the book tones down what actually happened , but keep in mind this is typically a children's book. It's written as a diary and tells her life basically!
Book 2 - Throne of Glass Series
People. If You have not read this series , you are seriously missing out! Sarah J. Maas is a magician! It's like she put words on a page and then cast a spell or something to make each word feel magical. Celaena Sardothein was an assassin , before she got caught and taken to a mine to work. The king decides to hold a completion and the winner would become his assassin , and the prince chooses Celaena to be his competitor. If I say anymore I will spoil , but It is a must read.
Book 1 - The Game of Love and Death
Jesus Christ this book is amazing! I don't know If I'll be writing a review so for now , this will have to do. The Game of Love and Death is a book set in 1937 America between ALOT of characters. For one , Love and Death are personified as people and sometimes they choose to play a game. The game is that the two have to pick a player and they have to fall in love against all odds. If they choose to get together , Love wins. If they don't , Death takes the life of her player. Now , The Players have many things going against them. Considering one is black and one is white , their love story isn't easy.
Thanks for reading , and I hope I've inspired you to read at least one of these.
Goodbye! ,
Bookish Delights x